Project Description
After a long 16 year delay, the New Jersey mega mall AMERICAN DREAM has become a reality. The Triple Five Group, owners of Mall of America and the West Edmonton Mall have brought an indoor entertainment destination to North Jersey. BESSERN Building Products and the ENDURIT line of waterproofing and coating systems were selected for the amusement and waterpark areas. Due to the long delay in construction the below and on grade waterproofing had to be reworked. ENDURIT MVC-2LT was selected as a methane barrier as well as a bonding membrane between slabs. ENDURIT DECK Pro Epoxy, Urethane, Polyurea, and Polyaspartic fast cure systems were selected to improve work schedule concerns, provide excellent chemical resistance, and allow fast turnarounds.

Project Application
The ENDURIT MVC-2LT moisture vapor and methane barrier was applied to mat slabs to ensure that moisture vapor and methane gas would not migrate through the topping slabs. The MVC-2LT also provided an excellent bond between the 16-year-old mat slabs and the freshly poured topping slabs. ENDURIT DECK coating systems were used on the pedestrian walkways and roof decks to provide waterproofing and unique decorative color options. ENDURIT DECK Pro-55PAT2C polyaspartic topcoat was used due to its fast cure, excellent chemical resistance, and fast return to service abilities.